Investing in ipads is making CJM Research better
August 25, 2014
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Ipads are helping improve our service to clients
At CJM Research we always look for ways to innovate and improve the service we provide our clients. One way we have done this is to re-invent the way we conduct our face-to-face interviewing by investing in ipads for our interviewers.

Traditionally face-to-face interviewing involves six stages as shown above. This results in interviewers having to carry around piles of surveys as well as time and money spent distributing, collecting and data processing surveys.
Investing in iPads has been popular with interviewers as it is makes things easier for them. It is also better for our clients which saves time and money. Other advantages are listed below.
Get in touch at to see how we can help make your business better

Who, what, where, when, who and why?
August 21, 2014
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When do you need the research completed by?
How will you use the findings?
Where would you like the research carried out?
And critically why are you doing the research?
Answering these questions together with an indicative budget will help deliver the best research approach to meet your needs.