Measuring engagement and enablement provides a better picture of employee effectiveness
June 16, 2020
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Employee engagement has become increasingly mainstream in management thinking and employee research over the last decade. The MacLeod Review found over 50 definitions for engagement but in essence it proposes a ‘mutual gains’ employment relationship, creating a win-win for both employees and their employers.
There is a lot of research (a google search for “benefits of engaged employees” shows
Limits of The Net Promoter Score (NPS) System
May 13, 2016
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What is the Net Promoter Score?
The Net Promoter or Net
Promoter Score (NPS) is a management tool that can be used to gauge the loyalty
of a company’s customers. NPS was first introduced by Fred Reichheld in
his 2003 Harvard Business Review article "One Number You Need to
The NPS is based on a
single question:
"How likely are you to
recommend [product or company name]
Mapping data adds insight
August 27, 2015
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In the past few months CJM Research have completed two very interesting projects looking at where asylum seekers and refugees live in Glasgow (for Glasgow City Council) and the demand for English as a second or other language (ESOL) in Glasgow (for the main ESOL providers in Glasgow).
In both of these projects we have used mapping to add insight to data. Mapping the data can help it come to life and
Mystery shopping can help you understand your business and your competitors
September 9, 2014
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Mystery shopping is a great way to understand how your
customers are being treated by your organisation.
Mystery Shopping' or
mystery visits involves regular reviewing of your service by professional or
carefully selected customers who are trained to observe, experience and
evaluate the customer service process of an organisation. They do this by
posing as a ‘real customer’ and undertaking a series
What is your brand?
September 2, 2014
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A brand is simply how people think and feel about your organisation. Every organisation has a brand. However, not every organisation understands this. It does not matter if you manage your brand or not your customers, stakeholders and non-customers have perceptions and make judgements about you. Market research can help you understand how your brand is understood and perceived - whether it
Investing in ipads is making CJM Research better
August 25, 2014
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Ipads are helping improve our service to clientsAt CJM Research we always look for ways to innovate and improve the service we provide our clients. One way we have done this is to re-invent the way we conduct our face-to-face interviewing by investing in ipads for our interviewers. Traditionally face-to-face interviewing involves six stages as shown above. This results in interviewers having to carry
Who, what, where, when, who and why?
August 21, 2014
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Whenever you are planning research you could take some advice from Rudyard Kipling and think of:
What is the issue, problem or decision you want to make?
Who is the research target group?
When do you need the research completed by?
How will you use the findings?
Where would you like the research carried out?
And critically why are you doing the research?
Answering these questions
Do you really need satisfied customers?
August 18, 2014
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Do you really need satisfied customers?Customer Satisfaction is a great measure of business performance and when combined with other measures such as recommendation demographics and reasons for the levels of satisfaction it can offer a real opportunity to understand your customers and improve your business.It is well established that organisations with the higher levels of satisfaction have higher